Tag Archive for learn

Arabic and Java

Rosetta Stone in hand and Netbeans on screen I’ve taken to two new languages.  I have for quite a few years now wondered why I don’t have a firm grasp of Java and considering I’m an avid developer capable of effectively supporting furthering development of applications sourced in Perl, Ruby and PHP (yeah, I’m a web developer – ya got me) there’s really no reason why I shouldn’t have a solid grasp of Java at least to the level of being able to comfortably support an open source project if nothing else.  What makes the deal really sweet thought is that Zahira is brilliantly intelligent beyond any claim I could make here and she’s motivated to learn and understand the use of Java so that just seals the deal.  I’m personally 100% confident Java will be commonplace in our household within months.

On an entirely different thought process I have become the average american and seemingly let go of any ability to be understood by any means other then this sad representation of written and spoken language most of us call English.  Normally when I felt like this I would force feed some spanish and submerse myself with a vacation or enlist someone to communicate with me in spanish at some semi-regular interval.  This time however I’m in an awesome new situation in which many people in my immediate bubble can speak in Arabic so I’m taking the opportunity to jump in and for the first time in my 30 years of espanglish existence I am taking on a truly new language. The notion of copy/pasting some Arabic here crossed my mind but I’m at such a lack of knowledge that I’m going to submit this post and begin dedicating some time to understanding it right now.

Live Love Life!